T20 Policy Brief: Digitalization and Forced Displacement

I have a new policy brief that has been published as part of the T20 process, in which think tanks from the G20 member states draw on scientific research to provide policy recommendations to the leaders during the G20 summit. My brief summarizes the practical implications of my research over the last few years on … Continue reading T20 Policy Brief: Digitalization and Forced Displacement

The Asylum Hump: Why Country Income Level Predicts New Asylum Seekers, But Not New Refugees

My colleagues Constantin Ruhe, Lisa Groß and I have a new article out in the Journal of Refugee Studies! I won't post a PDF because it's open access, so anyone can download if for free. We dig into the question about why GDP per capita has not generally been a good predictor of new refugees. … Continue reading The Asylum Hump: Why Country Income Level Predicts New Asylum Seekers, But Not New Refugees

New working paper! Digitalisation in the lives of urban migrants: evidence from Bogota

Sonia Camacho, Rodrigo Taborda,  Constantin Ruhe, and I have a new working paper out that focuses on access and use of new technologies by urban migrants in Bogota! We'll be revising it at some point, but for now we'd love feedback and comments - it was a challenge, and we hope the paper can start … Continue reading New working paper! Digitalisation in the lives of urban migrants: evidence from Bogota

Refugee flows and urban integration: the case of Malaysia

I'm very excited to share a German Development Institute Discussion Paper written by my colleague Katrina Munir-Asen, which explores refugee flows and urban integration in Malaysia. The case study is interesting in terms of how it frames the history of Malaysia's refugee and migration policies, and what these policies have meant for protection rules and integration … Continue reading Refugee flows and urban integration: the case of Malaysia

T20 Argentina: Policy brief on high-skill migration

My colleague Katrina Munir-Asen and I were tasked by the T20 (think tank group of the G20 countries) to put together a policy brief for this year's G20 presidency on the future of high-skill migration. Central to our argument is that countries should focus on attracting people, especially in highly technical and innovative industries and … Continue reading T20 Argentina: Policy brief on high-skill migration

Workshop call for papers: Forced Migration Processes: Trends, Concepts and Patterns

My colleague Constantin Ruhe and I are organizing a workshop June 25-26 at the German Development Institute on forced migration. We'll be hosting it at the Institute's headquarters in Bonn, Germany, and as a first step in organizing we've put out a call for papers and posters. The scope of the workshop will go beyond … Continue reading Workshop call for papers: Forced Migration Processes: Trends, Concepts and Patterns